Deborah J. Winters
Dr. Deborah Winters is an ordained pastor in the United Church of Christ who served twenty-four years as a settled pastor and now serves as a Transitional Specialist. She and her husband Gary founded God’s Precious Children (www.GodsPreciousChildren.com), helping children in Liberia, West Africa, receive a better chance at a brighter future through an education in the name of Jesus. She is a Professional Certified Coach with the International Coaching Foundation and enjoys doing mud runs with her family!
“In 2014 while teaching my Women in the Bible class, I was privileged to be a part of the movement of the Holy Spirit as my students took a risk and with the help of Judson Press published a Bible Study/Small Group ministry resource book entitled, Through Her Eyes: Bible Studies on Women in Scripture. This book went on to win the Silver Medal Illumination award in Biblical Studies and was a finalist in the 19th annual Indies book of the year award in Women’s Studies.
I am delighted to report that the 2016 Women in the Bible Class also went on to publish a Bible Study/Small Group ministry resource book entitled, The Marginalized, the Maligned, and the Miraculous: Bible Studies on Women in Scripture, which was published in February 2019.”
Ph.D. (Religion) Temple University
M.A. (Religion) Temple University
M.Div. Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary
B.S. (Music Education) West Chester University
Old Testament Study 1
Old Testament Study 2
Biblical Interpretation for Ministry
Biblical Storytelling
Church Renewal and Evangelism
Women in the Bible and in the Church
Coaching Skills for Today’s Leaders
Biblical Concepts and Pastoral Realities
Holy Land Study Tour
Reading the Text 1: Reading the Old Testament in its Context (Openseminary)
Dr. Winter’s interests are in how the biblical narrative informs the life of the church, its surrounding community and culture and how we live our individual lives within those contexts and in the midst of change.
Co-Founder God’s Precious Children a 501(C)(3), a Christian relief and development
organization working in education.
International Coaching Federation
Society for Biblical Literature
United Church of Christ
Deborah Winters, ed., The Marginalized, the Maligned, and the Miraculous: Bible Studies on Women in Scripture. Judson Press: 2019.
Deborah Winters, ed. Through Her Eyes: Bible Studies on Women in Scripture. Judson Press: 2016. This book won the Silver Medal Illumination award in Biblical Studies and was a finalist in the 19th annual Indies book of the year award in Women’s Studies.
Lenten worship services and sermons in The Minister’s Annual Manual: for Preaching and Worship Planning 2014-2015. Logos Productions: 2014.
Advent worship services and sermons based on Isaiah in The Minister’s Annual Manual: for Preaching and Worship Planning 2013-2014. Logos Productions: 2013.
Five worship services and sermons published in The Minister’s Annual Manual: for Preaching and Worship Planning 2010-2011. Logos Productions: 2010.
Five worship services and sermons published in The Minister’s Annual Manual: A Complete Preaching and Worship resource of August 2009-July 2010. Logos Productions: 2009.
Four worship services and sermons published in The Minister’s Annual Manual: A Complete Preaching and Worship resource of August 2008-July 2009. Logos Productions: 2008.
Deborah J. Spink, “Psalms” in The Pastor’s Bible Study, volume 3: A New Interpreter’s Bible Study. Abington Press: 2006.
Deborah J. Spink & Robert F. Shedinger, eds. Who Killed Goliath? Reading the Bible with Heart and Mind. Valley Forge: Judson, 2001.